Essential Moving Guide for Vancouverites

Essential Moving Guide for Vancouverites

Moving can be stressful, especially if you need to get it done in a short amount of time. There are ways you can make it less so, which all comes down to how far in advance you start planning the move. 

If you are moving within the Greater Vancouver area, here is a helpful guide that will set you up for success. 

4-6 Weeks Before 

You might not be aware that you are entitled to one visit to your new property between the closing date and the possession date. This can be useful to take advantage of while planning a move, as, during this visit, you can: 

Take note of any missing essential items 

As you are walking through your new home, you will want to note down any necessary items that are missing. For example: 

  • Are there curtain rods or curtains? If not, measure your windows and have these ready for move-in day. 
  • Do you see lights built into the ceiling or will you need to pick up extra lamps? It is typical for there not to be any built-in lights in Vancouver. Instead, the light switches will control power outlets. 
  • Will you want to replace any of the appliances? If so, ensure you measure and order them right away, as it can take a few weeks for these to show up. 

Book contractors

If you want to carry out any renovations, you can bring a designated contractor with you to the final visit. They can take measurements and plan to do the work before you move in. 

2-4 Weeks Before 

Sort out your insurance

Homeowner insurance should be one of the first things you sort out after the deal is finalized. 

If you are staying with your current insurance provider, you simply have to inform them of your possession date and discuss any additional coverage that you need. If you wish to change providers, this will give you enough time to shop around. 

If you are moving to a high-rise building, check the strata documents for the building deductibles that owners are responsible for. This information can be passed directly to your insurance provider and they can inform you of any changes to your coverage. 

Book time off from work 

If you can afford to take time off work, it is recommended that you do so. Trying to fit in everything over a weekend can be overwhelming and often makes for long and tiring days. 

Having an extra day or two on either side of your moving day can mean time to recuperate your energy and even spending time to get the essentials unpacked. 

Pick up moving supplies 

Having boxes, bubble wrap, plastic wrap, tape, and other supplies ready to go can make your life easier when it comes to packing. You can find these things at many big box stores, such as Rona or Home Depot.

You can also check out Facebook Marketplace, Kijiji, or Craigslist for supplies that people are selling or giving away. Local stores may also be willing to give you boxes that they were planning to throw. 

Clean out unwanted things in your home 

Moving is the perfect time to declutter your home. Start going through your home, room by room, and making piles of items you want to sell and donate. 

If you are looking to sell, Facebook Marketplace, Kijiji, or Craigslist, again, are some of the best platforms to do this on. If you wish to donate, here are a few places where you could drop your items off around Vancouver. 

Make a list of the up-and-coming address changes 

You will want to start looking up where you will need to change your addresses and the notice period they will need. 

For example, your internet provider may need notice, as you will need to book an appointment for them to install the internet the day you are moving into your new property. 

Here are a few important ones to get your list started: 

Set up mail forwarding

Head to Canada Post to purchase their mail forwarding service. You can choose to do it for four months or even 12 months if you wish. This will give you peace of mind for any address changes you missed and insight into what still needs updating. 

Organize the movers or moving van

If you want to hire movers, getting them booked ahead of time will ensure you get them on the date you need. You can visit this page for a list of recommended movers. 

If you are planning to carry out the move yourself, you can reserve a moving van at a location near you. 

Plan a move-out and move-in date with your building

If you live in or are moving to a high-rise building, you will need to inform them of your move-in date (for your new property) and move-out date (for your old property). 

They will agree on a time of day with you and ensure one of the elevators is held for you, meaning it will only be accessible between your floor and the ground floor. This service is usually for a limited time (2-4 hours), so make sure you are clear on this so you can plan your day accordingly at one or both locations. 

They will also charge you for this service, which is either included in your move-in fees or will be a separate transaction. Depending on the day of the week you are moving, they may charge you extra. It will likely be the case if you are moving on a weekend. You can ask the building manager for clarity on this.

Start packing 

If you have time after completing all of the above, then you can start packing the non-essential items. Moving day will roll around quicker than you think, so starting to pack now can help alleviate some of the stress in the final days leading up to the move. 

1-2 Weeks Before

Finish packing 

Now it’s time to pack all the essentials. The best way to tackle this is room by room and not start on another until you are finished with each space. 

Pro tip: pack a suitcase as if you are going on holiday that will get you through the in-between period of packing and moving and the first few days at your new property. This can include items like clothes, shoes, toiletries, etc.  

Empty your fridge 

At this time, you will want to eat what’s left in your fridge and avoid any major shopping trips. It’s best to avoid moving any food, as it will increase the chances of it spoiling and create more trouble than it’s worth. 

Instead, empty your fridge, enjoy a few days of take-out food, and then plan a shopping trip to restock food and pantry items. You can also take advantage of online delivery services for your first day at your new home.

Arrange a cleaner 

Having a cleaner come and professionally clean your old property can be a lifesaver. It’s something that many people plan to do on their own but typically run out of time to do. Ask your realtor who they recommend, as they often have trusted connections they can provide. 

Your new property will normally be cleaned before you move in, so you will not need to worry about this step.  

Prepare a box of essentials

In addition to a suitcase with clothes and toiletries, you should also have an essentials box that has:

  • Soap and hand towels 
  • Dish soap and sponge
  • Toilet paper 
  • Paper towels 
  • All-purpose cleaner
  • Phone chargers 
  • Tools for unpacking 
  • Snacks for yourself and pet food if you have pets
  • Bathroom towel and face cloth
  • A couple of glasses, forks, knives and plates/bowls

Having this ready can save you the headache of digging through boxes when you first move in. 

Moving Day

Moving day has arrived! If you managed to finish all the previous steps, this day should be focused on getting everything packed up in the truck and moving to your new home. 

Once you loaded everything into the truck, you should also remember to do the following at your old property: 

Do a final sweep 

Make sure you haven’t forgotten anything in hidden drawers, your oven, and other nooks and crannies of the home. 

Shut everything down

Make sure that your appliances are turned off, turn down the thermostat and check that all the lights are off. This will leave it in a safer position for the new owners. 

Leave your contact details behind

Leave a welcome note for the new owners of your property with your name and email in case they need to get in touch. This can be very useful if they accidentally get a package or mail delivered for you.

A few other things to keep in mind are:

Start unpacking the bedroom first 

This means building your bed frame and setting up the rest of your bed. After a long moving day, you will be grateful to have a comfortable place to sleep in your new home. 

Don’t forget to take a break

It can be easy to forget to take a break and even eat on a moving day. Set aside time for you and anyone helping you to have some takeout pizza or sushi (you are in Vancouver after all). It can also be a great way to show appreciation if you are doing the move yourself and have enlisted family or friends to help. 

After Move-In Day

Change all your addresses

Remember that handy address list you made? It’s time to work your way through it now and update all your addresses. Anything that needed a notice period should have already been updated.

Remove unnecessary clutter

As you start unpacking, it can be helpful to flatten and remove boxes from your home and recycle and throw away any other unnecessary clutter. Unpacking can make your home seem chaotic, so having this habit can make it seem less so. 


Above all, don’t forget to take time to celebrate your new home. Whether this is inviting friends or family over for a housewarming party or enjoying a flute of champagne privately, you should celebrate this new chapter in life. 

Need recommendations?

If you are in the middle of or planning to move home soon, having the right network on your side can be a game changer. Here are some recommendations in my network that could be useful during your move.